You know what ‘they’ say – health is wealth, and in a world where we often focus on treatment, preventative measures are also extremely important. That being said, some issues are more difficult to prevent than others, and an example of this could be uterine fibroids.
It is estimated that 26 million women in the USA suffer with them, and while it is often the luck of the draw as to who experiences higher severity symptoms with uterine fibroids, there is not much we can do to avoid them. That being said, there are a couple of factors to look out for which could increase your chances of spotting uterine fibroids if you want to be aware of those, and this piece will tell you exactly what they are.
Read on to find out more.
As with many illnesses, diseases, and issues, genetics play a significant role in whether we are more likely to get breast cancer than others, if we are prone to mental health disorders such as addiction, and also if we are to develop uterine fibroids.
The genetic indicators are found in and result in fibroids. So, if your grandmother or mother both experienced fibroids, the likelihood is increased for daughters and further female sex generations within the reproductive age range. While it is far less common for those before puberty and after menopause to develop uterine fibroids, it is not impossible, which is something else to keep an eye on too.
Hormonal Changes
Hormones are essential and help our body run by signaling to our brain what we need. They can make us fancy masculine traits in someone at one point in our cycle and then feminine traits at another. It can make us want to eat pints of ice cream the week before we get our period and makes us cry at adverts on TV about hoovers for no apparent reason. They have the capacity to change a lot of what goes on mentally and physically, whether they are in balance or out of balance, and it might go without saying that out of balance hormones often spells trouble. This is where uterine fibroids can also be added to the list.
The imbalance of estrogen, where the levels are too high, can lead to the of these fibroids. A good balance of progesterone can prevent these fibroid growths from starting and deter them from growing any bigger.
If you have found out that you have fibroids, then there are options available. If you are in the area, is a good place to start to ask any questions you might have.
Pregnancy can be another contributing factor to developing fibroids, which is often related to the extreme hormone changes that occur. Estrogen spikes during pregnancy, which can then lead to uterine fibroid growths. This can create its own complications for the pregnancy, which is worth bearing in mind; however, fibroids have been known to shrink after the baby has been delivered.
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