Common Side Effects of TMS Therapy

is a different way to treat the symptoms of severe depression. This treatment may also be suggested by your psychiatrist for other problems. This method doesn t hurt anything. You may still have some short-term side effects, though. Here is more information about the most common side effects of TMS.


After a TMS session, some people get headaches again. This could happen soon after the treatment has started. It often happens because the person hasn t found a way to deal with the tapping feeling that comes from the magnetic pulses. Magnetic pulses can help get rid of this kind of headache if they are used often.

Headaches can also be helped by over-the-counter pain relievers. People who get moderate headaches often can take pain relievers about 30 minutes before therapy. The psychiatrist can change how strong the magnetic pulses are to stop this pain. The headaches aren t so bad that you should stop going to therapy.

Scalp discomfort

For , magnetic coils are put on certain parts of the head. This close contact can cause pain on the scalp in that area. Taking painkillers that you can buy over the counter can help ease the pain. Most of the time, this pain goes away after the session.


Rarely, a side effect is to faint. It is common in patients who are younger or who are worried. It feels like the lights are going out. This could be because of the treatment, which causes nerve stimulation, high anxiety, and a drop in blood pressure. The person getting TMS can bring a friend or family member with them to talk to. This can also be helped by watching TV or listening to music.

Twitching of the face

This is the way the jaw and eyelid move when the brain is stimulated. It could happen after the session as well. Face twitching happens when the nerves and muscles near the surface of the face get excited. Most people can deal with the jerking. This feeling goes away over time.

Loss of hearing

Loud noises can make it hard to hear. During TMS, ear plugs can protect the patient s hearing. It is also important for the person using the device and anyone else in the room to protect their ears. Doing this can make it less likely that you will lose your hearing.

Signs of hypomania

This is a rare TMS therapy side effect. During and after treatment, the psychiatrist and the rest of the team will watch the patient for any signs of hypomania. Irritability and restlessness are two early signs of mania. If the patient does show these signs, the treatment will end. The patient will then have to come back to see the psychiatrist until the manic symptoms go away.


This also doesn t happen often in TMS therapy. Seizures can happen when the nearby parts of the brain are directly stimulated. The feeling of excitement moves to the motor cortex. The psychiatrist will keep an eye out for the right hand to move or twitch. This will make sure that the stimulation of the brain doesn t cause seizures.

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