Quest for Safe Water in One of India’s Most Isolated Villages

Simita Devi, whose daughter spent days in hospital recently suffering from typhoid caused by contaminated water, collects clean water brought to the surface by a solar pump. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

Simita Devi, whose daughter spent days in hospital recently suffering from typhoid caused by contaminated water, collects clean water brought to the surface by a solar pump. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

Champad, India, Jul 4 2023 (IPS) – Simita Devi spent over ten days in a government-run hospital a year ago anxiously watching her critically ill nine-year-old daughter, Gudiya, who was diagnos…

From Trauma to Triumph: Kenyan Women’s Courageous Battle Against Female Genital Mutilation

Naomy Kolian and Jane Kaliko share light moments after a tiring day of engaging the community at a public forum on the need to stop FGM. Credit: Robert Kibet/IPS

Naomy Kolian and Jane Kaliko share light moments after a tiring day of engaging the community at a public forum on the need to stop FGM. Credit: Robert Kibet/IPS

NAIROBI, Jul 15 2024 (IPS) – In the heart of Empash village, a fragmented community nestled in Suswa, Narok County, some 62 miles northwest of Nairobi, Naomy Kolian s story unfolds like a gripping saga of pain, resilience, and unyielding determination.

It was here, amidst the familiar surroundings of her home, that she was subjected to female genital mutila…

Pandemic Crisis May Trigger Societal Restructuring

Dr Mah Hui Lim has been a university professor and banker, in the private sector and with the Asian Development Bank.
Dr. Michael Heng, Former professor in Management Science.

PENANG and SINGAPORE, Apr 6 2020 (IPS) – The Chinese word for crisis consists of two characters “weiji”. Wei means danger and ji means opportunity. Every crisis is pregnant with danger and risks but also with opportunities – for some to make money, for others to learn valuable lessons, and for society to reorient or restructure its priorities, institutions and even the system.

Mah Hui Lim

Major crises are moments when classes in society contest for power to restructure the…

Collaboration Can Help Eradicate COVID-19

Rev Liberato C. Bautista is assistant general secretary for United Nations and International Affairs of the . He also serves as president of the .

Coronavirus pandemic threatens crises-ravaged communities, UN appeals for global support. Credit: United Nations

NEW YORK, Apr 23 2020 (IPS) – Since the founding of the United Nations in 1945, space for multilateral policy development and commitment has grown. Its growth in the global health field augurs well as we find ways to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Multilateralism is a difficult word, often misconstrued to be about the global and not the local and daily life. Perception plays a major ro…

The Government of Kenya and UN commit to expanding education, training and employment opportunities for young people, on an unprecedented scale

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 15 2020 – Hon. Joseph Mucheru, Cabinet Secretary for ICT, Innovation and Youth, (CS) and Kenya’s representative in the Generation Unlimited (GenU) Global Board convened today the UN Kenya Country team to identify opportunities on how to swiftly expand education, training and employment opportunities for young people, on an unprecedented scale.

Credit: UNDP Kenya

The meeting was graced by Ms. Ruth Kagia, Deputy Chief of Staff in the Executive Office of the President, and Co-Chair of the National Generation Unlimited Steering Committee. Others in attendance at this meeting included the CAS Nadia Ahmed Abdalla and PS for Youth Affairs, Julius Korir and H…

Access to Safe Water Never Loses Value

The writer is Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Safe Water Network

The UN will be commemorating World Water Day on Monday March 22.

COVID precautions at Safe Water Network iJal Station in India. Credit: Safe Water Network

NEW YORK, Mar 20 2021 (IPS) – The global community is celebrating . In the COVID-19 pandemic era, the importance and value of water for all people has never been clearer. Access to safe water is essential for public health and thriving communities.

Before COVID, , or about two-thirds of the world’s population, face severe water scarcity at least one month every year. One of the most important defenses against the c…

Inequality is Set to Kill Millions – “We Have to Fight it Together.”

The UN commemorated World Aids Day on 30 November. Credit: UNAIDS

GENEVA, Dec 1 2021 (IPS) – This week I called out to the world to warn them that inequalities are making us all unsafe. I noted starkly our new analysis that we face millions of additional AIDS deaths – 7.7 million in the next decade alone – as well continued devastation from pandemics, unless leaders address the inequalities which drive them. We have to treat this threat as an emergency, as a red alert.

To end AIDS, we need to act with far more urgency to tackle these inequalities. And it’s not just AIDS. All pandemics take root in, and widen, the fissures of society. The world’s failure to …